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PE Twin Pack Blister Cube 8 oz- Full Case

PE Twin Pack Blister Cube 8 oz- Full Case

Regular price $787.25
Regular price Sale price $787.25
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PE Mysis is a premium fish food, renowned for its nutritional value and enticing even the finikiest of eaters!  Sourced from the pristine waters of Okanagan Lake, PE Mysis is naturally rich in protein, Omega-3, and Omega-6 fatty acids, which are essential for promoting healthy growth and vibrant coloration in fish. Trusted by aquarists and institutions worldwide, PE Mysis is the "Curators Choice" for providing optimal nutrition to a wide variety of fish species.

PE CALANUS are sustainably harvested in pristine Arctic waters. They are instantly recognizable by their brilliant orange coloration, which stems from the high levels of astaxanthin and other carotenoid pigments. Naturally bio-encapsulated with essential fatty acids, PE CALANUS is a highly nutritious diet. They are great for freshwater and saltwater fish, as well as being an excellent food source for corals and other filter-feeding organisms. 

By choosing PE Mysis and any Piscine Energetic product, you are not only supporting conservation efforts to remove this invasive shrimp from our waters, but also supporting conservation efforts worldwide thorugh our Save Your Aquarium Campaign. 

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